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The Photography Center Services


In keeping with our original intent of 40 years ago, we stock many of the products you would expect of a camera store. If we don't stock it, we will help you locate or order it.

We carry used cameras, camera accessories, film, filters, lenses, projection lamps, batteries, frames, albums and scrapbook materials, and many other products.

Feel free to ask if you are looking for something specific.

Digital Transfers

We offer a wide variety of photo transfer products such as photo calendars, mousepads, shirts and sweatshirts, hats, ties, puzzles, mugs, stuffed bears, beach towels, woven throws and wall hangings, tote bags, aprons and even sports gear such as footballs, baseballs, and soccer balls.

Check out some of the cool stuff we can make here.

Come on in to see what we can make for you or someone special in your life.

Digital Imaging

Due to the rapid growth of digital technology and its impact on photography, we offer the ability to print photos from your digital camera, flash drive, memory card, CD, DVD, etc.

We can even scan your old negatives, slides, or prints. We can improve them, make more prints and provide you with high resolution digital files.

Our trained employees offer advanced digital image manipulation skills and can get your image exactly the way you want it.

We can remove blemishes and cracks from photos, improve faded colors, create collages, and nearly anything else you can imagine.

We can even scan 12"x12" scrapbooks, children's artwork, original paintings, and drawings to DVD to preserve and archive those valuable originals.

Outlab Services

Even with all the products, equipment and qualified personnel that are available at our store, there are times when our customers require services beyond our immediate capabilities. In such cases, we avail ourselves of the services of professional organizations that can produce the quality results that we and our customers demand.

Examples of such services include camera repair, 8mm and 16mm video transfers, etc.

Mini-Lab Services

We use Kodak paper on the NORITSU QSS-3011. Because this printer converts all images into digital data, a wide range of correction measures can be applied to significantly improve contrast and color saturation and to minimize problems with exposure, back lighting and flash photography. Further, the system also corrects for scratches and dust which results in producing excellent prints from negatives that are not perfect.

Specifically, we can make prints up to 8x14 from negative and positive 35mm, APS and 120 film, as well as from CD's and all digital camera memory cards and from camera phones with micro SD cards. Moreover, we can produce CD's from negatives, slide shows, Calendar Prints, Greeting Cards, and Business Cards as well as transferring digital files to CD or DVD.

We can print instant passport and green card photos as well!